A Christmas Blessing

As many of us know the holiday season can be stressful, with the pressures of gift giving and entertaining, Christmas can be a very expensive time of year. Lately there have been articles circulating Facebook about groups of friends going out to eat for holiday meals and gifting unsuspecting severs with large tips. Last night MIXX165 was graced with an amazing group of friends who presented one of our team members with a true Christmas miracle.


This incredible group stopped in the weekend before Christmas to make this Holiday season one to remember for a very deserving member of our team. It was wonderful to witness this unbelievable act of love in person! After paying the tab, two of the lovely women in the group discretely slipped a very generous cash gift into Brittany’s hands thanking her for her amazing service, praising her hard work and wishing her a Merry Christmas. Tears of joy began to roll down the cheeks of several team members who were there to witness the interaction firsthand.

It is selfless acts like this that show us the true meaning of Christmas. We are very blessed to be a part of such a caring community; we are so thankful for the support of Mechanicsburg and the surrounding communities who have made us feel welcome and continue to amaze us everyday! Merry Christmas from all of your friends at MIXX165!!!
